Our Services



1. Assessment & Diagnosis:

The Sleep Specialists at Sleep 729 offer our clients a detailed assessment for a wide range of sleep related conditions. This results in the establishment of the working diagnosis as a basis for subsequent treatment.

2. Treatment:

We offer individualized evidence based treatment to ensure adequate management of our client’s sleep problems. This treatment could be in the form of psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, behavioural and physical treatment modalities as required.

3. Sleep Hygiene:

These are good practices and habits that aid a good night’s sleep.

4. Relaxation Techniques:

These techniques help to quiet the mind, increase the state of calmness and to enhance sleep.

5. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I):

A type of psychotherapy called Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help relieve the anxiety linked to chronic (ongoing) insomnia because anxiety tends to worsen insomnia.

The cognitive part of CBT-I teaches to recognize and change beliefs that affect ability to sleep. It can help to control or eliminate negative thoughts and worries that keep clients awake.

Basic Package of Six weeks (1 hour per session)

Eligibility Criteria

Patient must be an adult would have had problems with sleep (either initiating or maintaining) for at least 3 nights a week for a couple of weeks.

Either primary (the insomnia is an independent condition) and secondary (the insomnia is a symptom of another health condition, medication, or substance) insomnia.

1) A principle complaint of dissatisfaction with sleep (quality or quantity) characterised, either singularly or in combination, by initial, middle or late insomnia

2) There should be ‘clinically significant’ distress or impairment to daily functioning

3) It should occur at least three nights per week

4) Be present for at least three months

5) Occur despite adequate opportunity for sleep

6) Not be better explained by another sleep disorder

7) Is not attributable to a medication or substance

8) It should not be adequately explained by a mental or medical condition